Maximizing Civil Society’s Contributions to Improving RMNCAH+N Outcomes: Lessons from the Global Financing Facility

This commentary documents the successes enhancing civil society engagement in the GFF to date, from the perspective of the Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) on the GFF. It also suggests lessons for other funding mechanisms to maximize the contributions of civil society.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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Civil Society GFF Chart

GFF process and opportunities for CSO engagement.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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GFF Ecosystem Infographic

Ecosystem infographic map for the GFF as well as for Every Woman Every Child (EWEC), Universal Health Coverage (UHC), and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society, Maternal and Child Health, UHC

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Pushing the envelope through the Global Financing Facility: Potential impact of mobilizing additional support to scale-up life-saving interventions for women, children and adolescents in 50 high-burden countries

This research study is the first of its kind to estimate the potential impact of increased resources available to improve RMNCAH-N outcomes

Type: Resources

Category: Health Financing

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GFF Civil Society Organisations Accountability Scorecard: Kenya, September 2018

This GFF Accountability Scorecard for Kenya tracks progress relating to the GFF up until 2018. The aim of the scorecard is to facilitate dialogue among stakeholders about GFF progress and hold them accountable for their commitments relating to Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH).

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society, Health Financing

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Strategic Purchasing to Support Voluntarism, Informed Choice, Quality and Accountability in Family Planning: Lessons from Results-Based Financing

This guidance document concentrates on strategic purchasing systems that conditionally link a portion of payment to health facilities and their supervisors with the attainment of pre-specified family planning outputs or outcomes. It argues that these types of systems aim to motivate and hold providers and supervisors accountable for providing high-quality voluntary family planning services. It […]

Type: Resources

Category: Family Planning & Contraception, Results-based Financing

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Case Study: Senegal, The Experience of Civil Society Engagement in the GFF

The GFF Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) commissioned this case study to describe the experience of CSOs’ participation and engagement in the GFF process in Senegal.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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Snapshot: Malawi CSO GFF Coalition-building Meeting

This document gives background knowledge on Malawi’s CSO GFF Coalition-Building Meeting, which took place from July 23-25, 2018 in Lilongwe, Malawi. It also summarized outcomes of the meeting and further steps.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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Concept Note: CSO GFF Platform-building and Strategy-development Meeting

This concept note briefly describes the meeting which took place on July 23-25th, 2018 in Lilongwe, Malawi focused on strengthening Malawi’s CSO engagement and collaboration. It provides background, sets meeting goals, provides logistics, and explains participation.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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Malawi: GFF Civil Society Orientation Workshop

This report provides a synthesis of the main issues covered during the national GFF CSO workshop in Malawi in July 2018, and highlights key areas, priorities and next steps.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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