Analysis of the Health Sector Budget Execution Report – Mozambique

Analysis of the Health Sector Budget Execution Report – Mozambique

Type: Resources

Category: Health Financing

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Analysis of the Main Budget Indicators of the Health Sector in the Last 10 Years

In Mozambique, the health sector is the third sector that absorbs most resources from the State Budget, the first of the priority sectors that most absorbs resources is Education, followed by the infrastructure sector and education sector, considering the methodology presented in the budget documents for the economic and social sectors. The special focus of […]

Type: Resources

Category: Health Financing

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Tracking The Progress And Implications Of The Global Financing Facility (In This Case Results – Based Financing) In The Healthcare Sector In Uganda

This study tracks progress of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) in Uganda, which contributes to the Uganda Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health Services Improvement Project (URMCHIP), and particularly the implementation of the Results Based Framework (RBF) component of URMCHIP.

Type: Resources

Category: Results-based Financing

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Youth Engagement in RMNCAH+N in Uganda

The Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN) developed videos on meaningful adolescent and youth engagement in the GFF. Interviewing both health service providers and youth seeking services, they put together this video.

Type: Resources

Category: Adolescent and Youth Engagement

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Youth Engagement in GFF/RMNCAH+N Zimbabwe

The Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN) developed videos on meaningful adolescent and youth engagement in the GFF. Working with Ignite Youth in Zimbabwe, they put together this video.

Type: Resources

Category: Adolescent and Youth Engagement

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Youth Engagement in GFF/RMNCAH+N – Senegal

The Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN) developed videos on meaningful adolescent and youth engagement in the GFF. Working with the Alliance nationale des Jeunes pour la Santé de la Reproduction et de la Planification Familiale in Senegal, they put together this video.

Type: Resources

Category: Adolescent and Youth Engagement

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International Day of the African Child: An Opportunity to Support the GFF

International Day of the African Child: An Opportunity to Support the GFF. An Open Letter to Governments and Donors on Behalf of Young Leaders from GFF Countries

Type: Resources

Category: Adolescent Health

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Five-Year Quantitative Analysis of GFF Investments and Linked Priorities

To mark the fifth anniversary of the Global Financing Facility (GFF), PAI has created a database with GFF project information and financial data, including World Bank disbursements, and official progress indicators. In an effort to highlight the results governments are working towards, this resource has been designed for use by various stakeholders in the GFF […]

Type: Resources

Category: Health Financing, Investment

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Voice, agency, empowerment – handbook on social participation for universal health coverage

In response to requests from Member States and the recommendations of the Taskforce on WHO-CSO engagement, WHO, UHC2030, the Governance Collaborative, and the UHC Partnership recently released a handbook.

Type: Resources

Category: UHC

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Advocacy Toolkit for Civil Society and Youth in Support of the GFF Resource Mobilization Effort

This toolkit is designed to guide and equip the GFF civil society (CS) and youth constituency to meaningfully and effectively engage in the Global Financing Facility (GFF) resource mobilization campaign in support of the GFF Case for Investment.

Type: Resources

Category: Adolescent and Youth Engagement, Civil Society

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