The Global Financing Facility: An Opportunity to Get it Right

This issue brief for policymakers outlines the potential and reforms proposed by Save The Children that could make the GFF truly drive increased health investment in health and nutrition from both external and domestic finance.

Type: Resources

Category: Health Financing

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Seventh Investors Group Meeting Report

This Meeting Report provides an in-depth account of all discussed at the Seventh Investors Group Meeting which took place on April 23rd, 2018 in Washington DC. This includes both speakers and their material discussed in presentations, as well as feedback and discussion among the members. Some highlighted topics include Tanzania and its success with the […]

Type: Resources

Category: Adolescent and Youth Engagement, Civil Society, Nutrition, Private Sector

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GFF CS Coordinating Group (CSCG): In-Person Strategy Meeting

This document outlines the in-person strategy meeting on April 20, 2018, which focused on aligning TA and support of GFF country CSOs; Support, Communication, and Technical Assistance for CSOs; Accountability; GFF replenishment; challenges, and CS Coordination Group Governance and Administration.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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GFF Civil Society Coordinating Group: In-Person Strategy Meeting Presentation

This presentation was shared at the GFF Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) In-Person Strategy Meeting on April, 20th, 2018 at PAI Offices in Washington, DC. It summarizes the Small Grants Mechanism (SGM) while highlighting other continuing efforts to further support Country CSO partners from the perspective of the CSCG.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society, Domestic Resource Mobilization

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Advocacy Win News: Uganda’s Government Approves a Civil Society Engagement Strategy for the GFF Investment Case

On March 9, 2018, the Uganda Ministry of Health approved and adopted a civil society organization (CSO) engagement strategy for the implementation of the country’s Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) Investment Case for the Global Financing Facility.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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The GFF’s Contribution To Domestic Resource Mobilization For Health And Nutrition

Public spending for health is central to sustaining progress towards universal health coverage. How does the GFF support governments in mobilizing domestic resources for reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition? Efforts to strengthen domestic resource mobilization are at the core of the GFF approach. This Fact Sheet delves into domestic resource mobilization […]

Type: Resources

Category: Health Financing

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GFF Country Workshop 2018: Report for Participants

The Global Financing Facility (GFF) Country Workshop was organized in Accra, Ghana from 28 January to 1 February 2018. The GFF Country Workshop brought together 10 new GFF-supported countries to engage and energize their multisectoral country teams around a common vision and support the operationalization of country-specific GFF visions. This Workshop Report summarizes the workshop’s […]

Type: Resources

Category: Adolescent Health, Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS), Civil Society, Nutrition, Private Sector

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PAI Presentation on the GFF

This presentation gives a basic overview of what the GFF does, and how its financing is structured. It uses Tanzania as an example, and also discusses civil society involvement.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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Taking Stock: International Planned Parenthood Federation Recommendations on the Global Financing Facility

The International Planned Parenthood Federation succinctly makes recommendations to the GFF regarding funding and civil society participation.

Type: Resources

Category: Health Financing, Investment, Private Sector

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Making the GFF Work Better for Nutrition

This brief summarizes arguments for including Prevalence of Wasting and Coverage of SAM (severe acute malnutrition) Treatment as two new indicators for under-nutrition in the GFF, in addition to just stunting. It goes in detail to explain why these two indicators are so essential to be able to holistically and accurately document under-nutrition in GFF […]

Type: Resources

Category: Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition

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