On November 6-7, 2017, the GFF Civil Society Coordinating Group hosted by PMNCH convened a workshop in Maputo, Mozambique of civil society organizations (CSOs) working on the GFF at global, régional and country levels. The agenda and participant list can be found in Annexes 1 and 2. This civil society (CS) workshop provided a forum for learning and exchange among CS from GFF focus countries.
The objectives of the workshop were to:
- Learn and share specific, actionable lessons about the implementation of GFF at the country level as advanced by civil society and supporting GFF planning, implementation and accountability;
- Develop national-level objectives and workplans to support implementation of the CS Engagement Strategy and the Guidance Note: Inclusive Multi-Stakeholder Country Platforms in Support of Every Woman Every Child (Guidance Note) at country level;
- Develop and agree upon global and regional-level advocacy objectives and key activities for 2018 to support implementation of the CS Engagement Strategy, and the Guidance Note, as well as the replenishment efforts of the GFF;
- Inform CS IG representative positions ahead of the Investors’ Group Meeting.