Category: Civil Society, Investment
Resource Author : Suzanna Hurd, Patrick Mugirwa, Richard Mugenyi, Erica Belanger, An Huybrechts, Karen Hoehn
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The duo webinar combines two topics: (1) Civil Society Engagement in the Global Financing Facility- CSO representatives will present key achievements on advocating for RH supplies in the GFF, and specifically highlight the GFF process in Uganda. Susannah Hurd, Global Health Visions, will present efforts around the minimum standards for CSO engagement in the GFF, and preview a guide specifically developed on CSOs and the GFF. Patrick Mugirwa, PPD ARO and Richard Mugenyi, Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) will specifically overview CSO involvement in the GFF process in Uganda, the importance of the Costed Implementation Plan, and opportunities for greater accountability. (2) European donor financing through non-grant financing -Introductions by An Huybrechts, Countdown and presentation by Karen Hoehn.