This GFF Accountability Scorecard for Kenya tracks progress relating to the GFF up until 2018. The aim of the scorecard is to facilitate dialogue among stakeholders about GFF progress and hold them accountable for their commitments relating to Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH).
Type: Resources
Category: Civil Society, Health Financing
The Global Financing Facility (GFF) Country Workshop was organized in Accra, Ghana from 28 January to 1 February 2018. The GFF Country Workshop brought together 10 new GFF-supported countries to engage and energize their multisectoral country teams around a common vision and support the operationalization of country-specific GFF visions. This Workshop Report summarizes the workshop’s […]
Type: Resources
Category: Adolescent Health, Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS), Civil Society, Nutrition, Private Sector
On November 6-7, 2017, the GFF Civil Society Coordinating Group hosted by PMNCH convened a workshop in Maputo, Mozambique of civil society organizations (CSOs) working on the GFF at global, régional and country levels. The agenda and participant list can be found in Annexes 1 and 2. This civil society (CS) workshop provided a forum […]
Type: Resources
Category: Civil Society
This concept note provides logistical information and explains the purpose and goals of the Civil Society Workshop in November 2016 in Maputo, Mozambique. The workshop brought CSOs from GFF countries together in order to increase CSO engagement and collaboration in the GFF.
Type: Resources
Category: Civil Society
This presentation takes a in-depth look at Investment Cases in the GFF, explaining how they are created, what they consist of, and how they function. It also presents basic data on Investment Cases in some GFF Countries as examples.
Type: Resources
Category: Health Financing, Investment
Sangeeta Raja, former employee of the World Bank, walks the viewers through the World Bank’s website and shows them how to find the most recent information on the GFF. This will include details on the objectives of the Country Initiative, the key indicators, who is who and time frames, but will also locate and […]
Type: Resources
This short piece was written from the perspective of GFF partners in the Investors Group, and is a response to a World Report by Ann Danaiya Usher on November 7th, 2015. It serves to clarify exactly how the GFF works in terms of funding and goals, which differentiates it from other health funds, refuting the […]
Type: Resources
Category: Health Financing, Results-based Financing, UHC
This document gives a brief overview of the Pre-CSO Meeting on the GFF in Nairobi, Kenya, on November 16-18th, 2015. It states outcomes of the meeting, lessons learned, and next steps to further CSO engagement to achieve the best results.
Type: Resources
Category: Civil Society
This letter addresses the previous World Bank President and GFF Investors Group, and voices concerns about the GFF’s commitment to ensure rights-based and impactful investments in sexual and reproductive health in the country implementation plans and subsequent service delivery. It specifically mentions CSO involvement, particularly at the country level, and the mechanisms in place to […]
Type: Resources
Category: Civil Society, Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights
These slides give a brief insight into the process of selecting second wave GFF Countries as well as the countries that were being considered in 2015.
Type: Resources
Category: Uncategorized