GFF Ecosystem Infographic

Ecosystem infographic map for the GFF as well as for Every Woman Every Child (EWEC), Universal Health Coverage (UHC), and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society, Maternal and Child Health, UHC

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Strategic Purchasing to Support Voluntarism, Informed Choice, Quality and Accountability in Family Planning: Lessons from Results-Based Financing

This guidance document concentrates on strategic purchasing systems that conditionally link a portion of payment to health facilities and their supervisors with the attainment of pre-specified family planning outputs or outcomes. It argues that these types of systems aim to motivate and hold providers and supervisors accountable for providing high-quality voluntary family planning services. It […]

Type: Resources

Category: Family Planning & Contraception, Results-based Financing

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Case Study: Senegal, The Experience of Civil Society Engagement in the GFF

The GFF Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) commissioned this case study to describe the experience of CSOs’ participation and engagement in the GFF process in Senegal.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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Key Tools & Resources for Enhancing Civil Society Engagement in the GFF

This presentation outlines the existing avenues for enhancing civil society engagement in the GFF through five key tools.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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GFF Country Platform Presentation

This presentation gives basic information on the GFF’s Multi-Stakeholder Country Platform in Malawi. It explains the initiatives, principles, and focus areas of the GFF, and then goes further into detail by providing information on the structure of the platform as well as what key players, including agencies, organizations and other partners, are involved.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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Addendum: Civil Society Guide to the GFF

Since the publication of the Civil Society Guide to the GFF in October 2016, the Global Financing Facility (GFF) has strengthened its engagement with civil society, continued to expand its geographic reach, and embarked on a USD 2 billion replenishment effort. This addendum outlines these important developments, and provides key questions and recommendations for assessing […]

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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The Global Financing Facility: An Opportunity to Get it Right

This issue brief for policymakers outlines the potential and reforms proposed by Save The Children that could make the GFF truly drive increased health investment in health and nutrition from both external and domestic finance.

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Category: Health Financing

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GFF Civil Society Coordinating Group: In-Person Strategy Meeting Presentation

This presentation was shared at the GFF Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) In-Person Strategy Meeting on April, 20th, 2018 at PAI Offices in Washington, DC. It summarizes the Small Grants Mechanism (SGM) while highlighting other continuing efforts to further support Country CSO partners from the perspective of the CSCG.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society, Domestic Resource Mobilization

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Making the GFF Work Better for Nutrition

This brief summarizes arguments for including Prevalence of Wasting and Coverage of SAM (severe acute malnutrition) Treatment as two new indicators for under-nutrition in the GFF, in addition to just stunting. It goes in detail to explain why these two indicators are so essential to be able to holistically and accurately document under-nutrition in GFF […]

Type: Resources

Category: Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition

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Advocacy Strategy to Leverage CSOs for Maximum GFF Results

This strategy document provides a road map to help civil society realize its potential in the 16 priority countries identified before November 2017. There is also an urgent need to capacitate civil society in the 10 new GFF priority countries announced in November 2017, which were was not included in the costing of the CSES […]

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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