26 African Countries Chart Books with Analysis of RMNCAH Indicators, 2019 – 2023 [Countdown 2030]

Tuesday, July 10, 2024: Countdown 2030 has published 26 African Countries chart books with analysis of Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) indicators, 2019 – 2023. The analysis is based on routine district health facility data for 2019-2023, recent national surveys, health system data and global estimates with much attention paid to data […]

Type: Resources

Category: GFF, SRMNCAH-N

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Analysis of SRHR prioritization in Mozambique & Niger [Countdown 2030 Europe]

The Global Financing Facility (GFF) is a mechanism aimed at catalyzing the allocation of grant resources to scale up healthcare initiatives in low- and middle-income countries by leveraging domestic government resources, International Development Association and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development financing, aligned external financing, and resources from the private sector. The case studies presented […]

Type: Resources

Category: Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights

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Voice, agency, empowerment – handbook on social participation for universal health coverage

In response to requests from Member States and the recommendations of the Taskforce on WHO-CSO engagement, WHO, UHC2030, the Governance Collaborative, and the UHC Partnership recently released a handbook.

Type: Resources

Category: UHC

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3FHi ThriiVE Infographic

Faith for Family Health (3FHi) produced an infographic on Ntoroko District in Uganda and the health sector priorities for women, children, and adolescent health.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society, COVID

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Civil Society and Youth Statement on the GFF Resource Mobilization Effort

Civil Society and Youth Statement on the GFF Resource Mobilization Effort

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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3FHi Investment and Performance Analysis for Women, Children, and Adolescent Health During Covid

The analysis for Investments and Performance for women, child and adolescent health in Ntoroko was commissioned by 3FHi.

Type: Resources

Category: COVID, Maternal and Child Health

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The Global Financing Facility in Uganda – A Brief Summary – 2020 Update

The COVID-19 pandemic has redirected the world’s attention to the importance of strong public health systems. Uganda, one of the Global Financing Facility’s (GFF) country cases, was also impacted by the virus outbreak. This new factsheet – a second joint publication in the series with our partner CEHURD – provides an overview of updated information about the GFF in Uganda (since the first publication) and of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society, COVID

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Liberia Health CSOs Network COVID-19 Health Facility Readiness Scorecard

This scorecard produced by  the Liberia Health CSOs Network is designed to track the readiness of health facilities in 45 selected facilities across 5 counties in Liberia. It will be used primarily to identify readiness gaps at health facilities and advocate for increased investment in the readiness of the health systems to respond to the […]

Type: Resources

Category: COVID, Investment

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GFF Civil Society Meeting Dar es Salaam Concept Note

This concept note provides logisitical information and explains the purpose and goals of the Civil Society Meeting in November 2016 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, which brought together CSO representatives from all of the first and second wave countries, as well as relevant regional and global representatives, to discuss greater CSO engagement and collaboration.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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Civil Society Engagement in the GFF: A Briefing Document for Country CSO Focal Points

This document provides resources for CSOs to gain knowledge on all things related to CSO engagement with the GFF.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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