Civil Society Engagement in the Global Financing Facility: Analysis and Recommendations

This Civil Society (CS) Engagement Report highlights four key recommendations for strengthening civil society engagement in the GFF: the implementation and tracking of minimum standards for RMNCAH country platforms in GFF countries, the assurance of timely and transparent communications about the GFF and its processes, the establishment and support of platforms for civil society to […]

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Category: Civil Society

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Recommendations for Effective CSO Engagement in RMNCAH Country Platforms: Participation, Transparency, and Accountability

This document is a condensed version of the recommendations put forward to the Investors Group to strengthen the Minimum Standards for Country Platforms, and was written to bring forward the perspective of CSOs on the topic. They have identified important steps that governments can take to ensure meaningful CSO participation in Country Platforms, emphasizing inclusiveness […]

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Category: Civil Society

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PAI Feedback on draft Operational Framework for the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health

PAI provides its feedback and specific recommendations to strengthen the Operational Framework draft put forth by Every Woman Every Child. PAI is concerned that the current draft: (1) Could provide clearer guidance to countries around reproductive health aspects of the Global Strategy; (2) Relies too heavily on the troubled Country Platform and Investment Case model […]

Type: Resources

Category: Adolescent Health, Health Financing, Maternal and Child Health

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Global Financing Facility Learning Meeting- Civil Society Pre-Meeting

The Global Financing Facility Learning Meeting- Civil Society Pre-Meeting brought together 45 civil society representatives from 13 countries. Participants came together to learn about the GFF and key GFF processes, share their experiences and engagement with the GFF to-date, and discuss recommendations for strengthening civil society involvement in the GFF processes and country platforms. This […]

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Category: Civil Society

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Letter GFF accountability CSO participation 2015

This letter addresses the previous World Bank President and GFF Investors Group, and voices concerns about the GFF’s commitment to ensure rights-based and impactful investments in sexual and reproductive health in the country implementation plans and subsequent service delivery. It specifically mentions CSO involvement, particularly at the country level, and the mechanisms in place to […]

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society, Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights

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An Inclusive Accountability Forum Uses Evidence to Influence Progress in Jigawa, Nigeria

This case study describes how the Nigeria country team of MamaYe!, an organization focused on maternal and newborn health, facilitated the creation of a state-level evidence-based accountability mechanism in Jigawa state: the Jigawa state Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Accountability Forum (JiMAF).This brought together many stakeholders, including CSO networks, the media, the private sector, and […]

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Category: Civil Society, Maternal and Child Health, Private Sector

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Raising the Bar: Recommendations to Strengthen the GFF Minimum Standards for Country Platforms to Enhance Participation, Transparency, and Accountability

It is imperative that the minimum standards for country platforms reflect the principles of the entities behind the GFF: The Every Woman Every Child initiative, led by the United Nations Secretary General’s office with involvement by the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and the World Bank. This paper reviews the core documents that […]

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Category: Health Financing

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Quality Assurance of Investment Cases

Investment Cases are subject to a Quality Assurance (QA) process that is intended to help improve the quality of the document and thereby build confidence among potential investors (domestic as well as international) in financing the Investment Cases. The experience of the front runner countries has also highlighted some challenges (such as around the difficulty […]

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Category: Investment

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Accountability in the 2015 Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health

In this piece Julian Schweitzer, senior fellow at Results for Develpment Institute, describes the steps taken to ensure accountability in the 2015 Global Strategy and why it is important to success. His four key messages are: (1) We need a strong, inclusive, transparent, rights based and independent accountability process, based on experience implementing health aspects […]

Type: Resources

Category: Adolescent Health, Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS), Civil Society, Maternal and Child Health

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Global Financing Facility Country Consultations Fact Sheet: Lessons Learned from GFF Front Runner Countries- Kenya and Tanzania

This briefing paper aims to share lessons learned for national advocates during the GFF country-level process in Kenya and Tanzania. It aims to increase the knowledge and awareness of national advocates on key policy issues, and identifies service gaps advocates may want to address in GFF investment frameworks.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society, Health Financing

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