
Investment case development put on hold last year due to the new president and new government. January 2020 workshop held to review priorities. Draft IC started but process slowed due to Covid. SUN CS fully involved in the process and communicates out to civil society through Facebook group. Throughout Covid have focused on WCAH and […]

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Investment case quite advanced in Mali, UNICEF hired consultants to finalize though a little delayed due to Covid. Civil society have seen the IC and are engaged. Yaya Zan and ACF/Mousso have seats on the country platform. Civil society held a meeting post November workshop- created a GFF working group building on the existing platform […]

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The current project document serves as an initial investment case to guide allocation of the GFF trust fund resources in Afghanistan. A full investment case to define the wider GFF engagement in Afghanistan will be developed over the next 6–12 months.

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Youth working on the GFF are involved in the subcommittee on youth of the COVID- response team and are presenting a position statement and research on key youth priorities which currently include: loss of employment, youth friendly services SRH services are unavailable, mental health, stigma associated with contracting Covid-19 and mandatory quarantines affecting service uptake […]

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Possibility to structure GFF engagement through the SUNCS coalition. Though there is a need to strengthen local outreach of that coalition.

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Country platform launched on 17 December. Margarette is the civil society rep and Rosny youth rep. Focus has been on Covid. Minster met with youth reps about how they can support the effort. They have been supporting by sensitizing youth in remote areas on health promoting behaviors during Covid also work with youth to monitor […]

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