This presentation takes a in-depth look at Investment Cases in the GFF, explaining how they are created, what they consist of, and how they function. It also presents basic data on Investment Cases in some GFF Countries as examples.
The duo webinar combines two topics: (1) Civil Society Engagement in the Global Financing Facility- CSO representatives will present key achievements on advocating for RH supplies in the GFF, and specifically highlight the GFF process in Uganda. Susannah Hurd, Global Health Visions, will present efforts around the minimum standards for CSO engagement in the GFF, […]
Sangeeta Raja, former employee of the World Bank, walks the viewers through the World Bank’s website and shows them how to find the most recent information on the GFF. This will include details on the objectives of the Country Initiative, the key indicators, who is who and time frames, but will also locate and […]