2019 GFF civil society workshop: Civil society engagement for resources and results

This document provides the concept note and agenda for the GFF Civil Society Workshop on November 19-20, 2019 in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.

Type: Resources

Category: Adolescent and Youth Engagement, Civil Society

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GFF Civil Society Meeting Dar es Salaam Concept Note

This concept note provides logisitical information and explains the purpose and goals of the Civil Society Meeting in November 2016 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, which brought together CSO representatives from all of the first and second wave countries, as well as relevant regional and global representatives, to discuss greater CSO engagement and collaboration.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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Civil Society Engagement in the GFF: A Briefing Document for Country CSO Focal Points

This document provides resources for CSOs to gain knowledge on all things related to CSO engagement with the GFF.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: The GFF’s Support to Accelerate Action

This paper proposes three hypotheses for why adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (ASRHR) is under-financed and develops three theories of change to identify activities and themes for GFF focus. These include activities to: (1) close key gaps in the evidence base around the cost of adolescent health interventions; (2) efforts to strengthen health […]

Type: Resources

Category: Adolescent Health

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GFF Portfolio Update

This paper provides an update on the GFF country portfolio as of April 2019. It outlines implementation progress, as well as a description of how the GFF is supporting key areas such as health systems strengthening, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (RMNCAH+N), sexual reproductive health and rights and civil registration and vital […]

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS), Health Financing, Investment, Results-based Financing, UHC

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Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: The GFF’s Support to Accelerate Action

This GFF document outlines support for the formation of a technical advisory group convening to develop an action plan to support country-led efforts to improve adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (ASRHR).

Type: Resources

Category: Adolescent Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights

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What is the Global Financing Facility?

Learn about the Global Financing Facility and how it is saving and improving lives and increasing countries’ ability to thrive in the global economy in this short, informative video.

Type: Resources

Category: Health Financing

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Civil Society Coordinating Group for the GFF Terms of Reference

This document details the Terms of Reference for the establishment of a Civil Society Coordinating Group.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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Technical Briefing for FP2020: Financing for Family Planning

This Technical Briefing Presentation goes over four main topics: GFF partner countries and goals, Family planning situation in GFF countries, GFF Trust Fund investments in FP, and GFF Replenishment.

Type: Resources

Category: Adolescent Health, Health Financing

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Civil Society Communique on the GFF

This Civil Society Communique provided by the Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) recognizes and reaffirms civil society’s critical role in enhancing GFF processes and outcomes, and asks other GFF actors to do the same.

Type: Resources

Category: Civil Society

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