July 2023 GFF CSO Grant Partners

Name Country Project Description
Femmes, Santé et Développement (FESADE)


Cameroon Advocating for meaningful youth participation in GFF processes and monitoring SRMNCAH-N interventions for youth. The project will focus on improving access to SRH services for youth in four districts of Cameroon’s East Region, including building the capacity of local committees to monitor health services and establishing a regional platform for YLOs to monitor the implementation of the GFF investment case.
Deserve Cameroon Developing an advocacy tool for improving understanding of youth SRMNCAH-N needs and increasing meaningful youth engagement in GFF processes. The tool will include an overview of policies and commitments around adolescent health, a guide for strengthening youth engagement in multistakeholder platforms and case studies on SRMNCAH-N youth advocacy efforts. The tool will be co-created with youth and CSOs, published in English and French and distributed to at least 40 YLOs working on SRMNCAH-N across Cameroon.
Environnement et Société au Cameroun (ESC)


Cameroon Developing a community diagnostic tool for identifying the priority needs of youth and adolescents for use in the development, implementation and monitoring of the GFF investment case. ESC will develop the tool in partnership with Cameroon’s civil society health alliance and disseminate the tool both digitally and physically to select organizations operating in communities with limited internet access.
Fédération Nationale des Organisations de Santé de Côte d’Ivoire (FENOS-CI) Côte d’Ivoire Building the capacity of community members in four priority regions of Côte d’Ivoire’s investment case to advocate for their own SRMNCAH-N needs. The project with train CSOs and women, youth, religious and traditional leaders in community mobilization, budget advocacy, communication and monitoring and accountability for investments in health.
Association de Soutien à l’Auto Promotion Sanitaire Urbaine (ASAPSU) Côte d’Ivoire Improving the understanding of decision-makers about the challenges of implementing universal health coverage (UHC) and advocating for the needs of vulnerable populations to be included under the UHC framework. The project will establish a civil society technical working group on UHC and develop a database of how youth, women of reproductive age and other key populations view UHC.
Coalition des Organisations de la Société Civile pour la Santé de la Reproduction, de la Mère, du Nouveau-né, de l’Enfant, de l’Adolescent, les Soins de santé Primaires et la Nutrition en RDC (COSC SRMNEA-SSP-Nut) Democratic Republic of Congo Coordinating advocacy campaigns to increase the budget line for the health sector to at least 15% of the total budget in six provinces, with a focus on reducing infant and maternal mortality. The project will include building the capacity of 120 civil society actors to conduct advocacy, resource mobilization and budget monitoring.
Youth Alliance for Reproductive Health (YARH) Democratic Republic of Congo Establishing a task force composed of youth and technical and financial partners to mobilize support for the implementation of North Kivu’s Provincial Plan for scaling up health services for adolescents and youth.
Youth Advocates Ghana (YAG) Ghana Strengthening the capacity of YLOs to meaningfully engage in the implementation and monitoring of Ghana’s GFF investment case through training workshops, peer learning exchanges and the development of policy briefs. The project will contribute to increasing evidence-based advocacy around SRMNCAH-N by YLOs.
CIWED-Ghana Ghana Creating a stakeholder mapping tool (Net-Map) that allows individuals and groups to understand the relationships between different actors and how they influence outcomes. A key goal of Net-Map is to identify factors that are helping or hindering youth participation and leadership in social accountability mechanisms for SRMNCAH-N priorities. Users will improve their awareness of the SRMNCAH-N environment and develop stronger strategic approaches to networking with other actors.
Organization of African Youth (OAY)


Kenya Improving collaboration and coordination of YLOs and youth to advocate for the prioritization of youth issues in the implementation of SRMNCAH-N programs. The project will strengthen the capacity of Kenya’s GFF youth coalition to engage with subnational governments in the development and implementation of SRMNCAH-N investment cases and policies.
Scaling Up Nutrition Civil Society Alliance – Kenya Kenya Enhancing coordination and engagement among key stakeholders — including CSOs, policymakers and the private sector — to mobilize additional resources for implementing costed nutrition action plans in four Kenyan counties. The project will include public awareness campaigns and training for journalists to improve public participation in the development of policies and budgets and map stakeholders.
Health NGOs’ Network (HENNET)


Kenya Developing and implementing a training package for CSOs and YLOs to improve their understanding of the GFF and the role of civil society in the GFF framework. The project will increase the number of CSOs and YLOs conducting advocacy and accountability activities and strengthen their engagements with the Kenyan government on GFF processes.
Public Health Initiative Liberia (PHIL)


Liberia Building the capacity of the Libera Health CSOs Network to engage with the national government in the development of the GFF investment case and increase funding for SRMNCAH-N. The project will expand the coalition to include more CSOs and YLOs working on SRMNCAH-N issues, strengthen coordination among members and develop scorecards and advocacy strategies for tracking and engaging with the Liberian government around GFF activities.
National Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Liberia Liberia Developing accountability tools to strengthen youth engagement with policymakers and other relevant stakeholders to improve their understanding of GFF processes, including the development and implementation of the GFF investment case. The tools — which will include training modules on advocacy strategies, budget analysis and tracking, effective communication and resource mapping — will be used by CSOs and YLOs to promote monitoring and accountability around GFF processes.
Plateforme de la Société HINA (HINA) Madagascar Strengthening the capacity of Madagascar’s CSO GFF coalition to support and monitor the implementation of health policies and programs, including advocating for the inclusion of CSOs and YLOs on the National Committee for the Strengthening of the Health System, which oversees the implementation of the GFF investment case.
Centre Sahélien de Prestations, d’Etudes, d’Ecodéveloppement et de Démocratie Appliquée (CSPEEDA) Mali Building the capacity of CSOs to conduct budget monitoring and advocacy within the framework of the GFF. The project will strengthen civil society’s ability to monitor Mali’s investment case and will include targeted advocacy for increasing budget allocations for SRMNCAH-N in nine municipalities in the Koulikoro region, with a special focus on nutrition.
Collectif Tous Unis en faveur de la Nutrition (TUN) Niger Advocating for the inclusion of nutrition in the Communal Development Plans and the Annual Investment Plans of 10 municipalities in Niger’s Tillabéri region. The project will mobilize CSOs to engage with elected officials and community leaders, youth, women, people with disabilities and the media to build support for integrating nutrition into health programming.
Coalition des Acteurs pour le Repositionnement de la Planification Familiale au Niger (CAR FP Niger)


Niger Increasing the level of domestic financing for family planning services in Niger’s national budget. The project will organize CSOs and YLOs to conduct joint high-level advocacy with Niger’s National Assembly, the prime minister and officials from the Ministries of Health and Finance.
Slum and Rural Health Initiative (SRHIN) Nigeria Training female leaders in 10 rural communities in Northern Nigeria on how to conduct SRMNCAH-N outreach within their local communities and supporting them to establish women’s groups to build a foundation for collaboration around SRMNCAH-N advocacy. The project also includes the co-creation of advocacy materials on SRMNCAH-N using local knowledge that will be translated into local languages.
Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN) Nigeria Building the capacity of CSOs and YLOs to actively engage with Nigeria’s SRMNCAH-N multistakeholder country coordination platform and participate in the development and implementation of Nigeria’s Post-COVID-19 Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent and Elderly Health Plus Nutrition (RMNCAEH+N) Strategy (2023-2027). The project includes partner mapping; capacity-building training for CSOs, youth and the media; and the creation of a scorecard for tracking progress on the implementation of the RMNCAEH+N strategy.
Gem Hub Initiative (GHI) Nigeria Conducting a case study on the level of alignment among different national and subnational health initiatives and health priorities in Nigeria with global health initiatives. The project will support evidence-based advocacy around the development of Nigeria’s SRMNCAH-N strategies with a focus on meeting the health needs of women, children and adolescents.
Scaling Up Nutrition Alliance Rwanda Facilitating learning exchanges for GFF CSO coalition coordinators from different GFF countries to share challenges and best practices around building and strengthening coalitions and conducting advocacy activities. The project will produce a report on best practices and bring together coordinators from GFF countries for an in-person conference in Rwanda for a learning exchange.
Health Alert Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Building the capacity of Sierra Leone’s SRMNCAH-N CSO coalition to conduct advocacy, track budgets and hold government agencies and other stakeholders accountable for implementing GFF-funded activities, including the GFF investment case and the SRMNCAH-N strategy for achieving universal health coverage. The project will also raise public awareness of the GFF process and organize CSOs to engage with private sector institutions to increase investments in the health sector.
Health Promotion Tanzania (HDT) Tanzania Strengthening civil society engagement in the GFF process by increasing the number of CSOs and YLOs contributing to the development of Tanzania’s investment case. The project will orient CSOs on the structure of the GFF and the role of civil society in monitoring progress and will direct accountability engagements with the Tanzanian government.
Young and Alive Initiative (YAI) Tanzania Strengthening youth engagement in GFF processes across five regions of Tanzania by training youth leaders to conduct advocacy, monitoring and accountability activities. The project will also update and launch an online youth forum for facilitating youth engagement in advocacy campaigns.
Center for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI) Vietnam Strengthening communities’ knowledge and participation in improving access to maternal, newborn and child health services among vulnerable populations, including migrants, people working in the informal sectors and people affected by HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. The project will train community-based organizations and networks on documenting access issues and coordinate them to advocate for SRMNCAH-N at the national level.
Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) Zimbabwe Strengthening civil society-led advocacy for mobilizing domestic resources for SRMNCAH-N services. The project will improve health literacy among government officials and civil society and establish a monitoring framework for tracking SRMNCAH-N indicators included in the GFF investment case and Zimbabwe’s National Health Strategy.
Lunia Centre for Youths Zimbabwe Building the capacity of 20 YLOs to engage in GFF processes and advocate for increased domestic resource mobilization for the health sector. The project will improve understanding among YLOs of how the GFF functions and the role of youth in implementing and tracking the investment case and overall health programming in Zimbabwe.

June 2023 GFF CSO Grant Partners

Name  Country  Project Description 
Centro de Estudios para la Equidad y Gobernanza en los Sistemas de Salud (CEGSS)  Guatemala  Equipping young indigenous health activists with the tools to mobilize community engagement for monitoring SRMNCAH+N policies and services and educating indigenous youth about their health and rights. The project will also build the capacity of youth leaders to effectively engage with government officials and advocate for better access to quality health care.
Asociación Civil Paz Joven Guatemala  Guatemala  Creating a tool built by young people, for young people, to help train different actors and sectors on comprehensive sex education, with a focus on menstrual health and healthy masculinity.
Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI)  Indonesia  Strengthening the participation of civil society organizations and communities in shaping health interventions in Indonesia through the formation of an SRMNCAH+N coalition. CISDI will also lead the creation of a knowledge hub for tracking progress on SRMNCAH+N indicators that are jointly developed by civil society and policymakers and incorporated into national and subnational development plans.
Youth Association for Development (YAD)  Pakistan  Establishing a hub to increase engagement between civil society, government officials, the public and other stakeholders when formulating and implementing SRMNCAH+N policies in Balochistan province. YAD will then use the hub to raise awareness about the GFF process and establish community-led advocacy and accountability mechanisms in partnership with the regional government to improve domestic resource mobilization for SRMNCAH+N.
Association des Jeunes aux Services de Rosso (AJSR)  Mauritania  Developing a guide for civil society organizations working on SRMNCAH-N issues on how to improve their operations and mobilize financing from the private sector for GFF activities.
Association des Gestionnaires pour le Développement (AGD)  Mauritania  Strengthening youth participation in Mauritania’s GFF processes in by supporting the establishment of youth associations in five priority regions and incorporating them into Mauritania’s GFF CSO coalition. AGD will additionally build the capacity of coalition members for carrying out advocacy and resource mobilization activities.
Association Mauritanienne d’Aides aux Malades Indigents (AMAMI)  Mauritania  Building the capacity of CSOs in Mauritania to help implement and monitor the country’s health policies and strategies and advocate for the government to allocate more funding for nutrition programs.
Naguru Youth Health Network (NYHN)  Uganda  Building the capacity of Uganda’s Adolescent Health Forum to advocate for improved sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents and young people in Uganda through the strengthening of regional advocacy networks and effectively engaging with decision-makers at the district level.
Faith for Family Health Initiative (3FHi)  Uganda  Strengthening the capacity of Uganda’s RMNCAH+N CSO coalition to conduct targeted advocacy with decision-makers at the national level to advocate for increased domestic funding and improved accountability for SRMNCAH+N investments in Uganda. 




December 2022 GFF CSO Grant Partners:

Fiker Behiwot Children and Youth Development Association Ethiopia Strengthening youth voices and agency in addressing the sexual reproductive health challenges of domestic migrant youth and students in Hawassa city. Youth will have improved access to quality SRHR information and youth-led organizations and groups will be better integrated into partnership networks and platforms as part of scaling up and building the capacity of the youth movement.
Future Hopes Integrated Development Organization Ethiopia Building the capacity of students (10-16 years) in low-income areas of Addis Ababa to lead advocacy initiatives to improve SRH services for school youth and break down existing norms that hinder access to information and services.
Marie Stopes Zambia Zambia Engaging with Zambia’s SRHR civil society to build a unified movement to advocate for the adoption of the GFF investment case by the government of Zambia. Informed stakeholders will actively work with the Parliament and Ministry of Finance to advance the plan which will create a sustainable financing mechanism for RMNCAH. The project will also strengthen the capacity of Zambia’s civil society to advocate for SRHR and build a strong network of advocates.
Associação Observatório do Cidadão para Transparência e Boa Governação no Sector Saúde Mozambique Working with civil society platforms and other stakeholders to engage with the Ministry of Health to enhance the approved GFF investment case. OCTBGSS focuses on improving the process for allocating public resources and having greater social accountability and monitoring to ensure health services respond to community RMNCAHN needs. Additionally, they are emphasizing the need to make adolescent sexual and reproductive health a priority. 
Health and Rights Education Programme Malawi Building the capacity of Malawi’s civil society to conduct evidence-based advocacy with the government of Malawi to ensure RMNCAHN priorities are included in the GFF investment case, as well as strengthening political will for increasing domestic resource mobilization. Advancing the adoption of the GFF investment case with a strong accountability framework to monitor the implementation and results.
Youth Initiative for Community Development Malawi Strengthening the voices and capacities of Malawi’s SRMNCAH+N Youth Coalition members to influence SRHR decision-makers in policy and budget processes. Promoting social accountability and improving resource allocation, delivery of quality services, and public resource management for SRMNCAH+N.
Réseau Jeunesse Population Développement Senegal Strengthening the capacity of CSOs and community leaders to effectively communicate the RMNCAHN needs of communities and meaningfully engage with the government to have their views and recommendations reflected in the GFF investment case. Also developing an inclusive monitoring mechanism to hold the government accountable for its commitments.
Alliance Nationale des Jeunes pour la Sante de la Reproduction Senegal Building the capacity of young people to effectively engage with policy-makers and stakeholders to contribute to the GFF investment case and breaking down socio-cultural barriers to the discussion and promotion of sexual health and reproduction for young women and adolescent girls.
Organisation pour de Nouvelles Initiatives en Développement et Santé Burkina Faso Building strong partnerships with private sector companies that are well positioned to contribute to improving RMNCAH-N and pushing them to commitment to budget allocation as part of RMNCAH-N funding.
SOS Jeunesse et Defis Burkina Faso Strengthening the commitment and leadership of CSOs and young people in advancing the GFF investment case in Burkina Faso and improving the monitoring and accountability framework for its implementation.
Réseau Des Plateformes d’ONG d’Afrique De L’ouest Regional (Senegal) Strengthening and building the capacity of civil society in francophone Africa to identify neglected sectors in GFF investment cases and conduct evidence-based advocacy to enhance the plans and hold governments accountable for RMNCAH+N commitments.
Cellule de Liaison des Associations Féminines Chad Strengthening the capacity of the national coalition of CSOs to advocate for the prioritization of identified community needs in the GFF investment case and the development of a strong accountability mechanism for monitoring its implementation and evaluating the effectiveness of its interventions for improving RMNCAH.
Association Nationale des Jeunes Femmes Actives pour la Solidarité Central African Republic Building the capacity of civil society to monitor and analyze budgets for RMNCAH-N services to identify irregularities and improve budget management to avoid funding disruptions.
Mouvement d’Action des Jeunes de l’Association Centrafricaine pour le Bien-Être Familial Central African Republic Building the capacity of the Central African Republic’s (CAR) civil society to conduct advocacy, domestic resource mobilization, monitoring, and evaluation to support the National Health Development Plan (PNDS) as part of improving SRMNCAH-N in the Central African Republic, with an emphasis on improving conditions for women of childbearing age, children, adolescents, and young people.