GFF and PAI Announce New Partnership!   More


Year joined


Project Status:

In Progress



CSO Coalition:


Government-led Process

Multi-stakeholder country platform (MCP)

National Steering Committee for Basic Health Care Provision Fund (BHCPF)

CSO reps on MCP
  • Slum and Rural Health Initiative
  • Africa Health Budget Network or Health Reform Foundation
  • Gem Hub Initiative

CSO Coordination & Engagement

CSO Platform:

Nigeria GFF CSO Working Group



  1. Improve strategic participation of CSOs in GFF both at national and state levels.
  2. Enhance the capacity of CSOs interested in GFF with the information, resources and skills they require to meaningfully participate in GFF.
  3. Document best practices and challenges of CSOs engagement in the GFF and use such information to inform actions.
  4. Meaningfully engage the Nigeria GFF Core Team that improves transparency and accountability and inclusiveness.
CSO Rep to CSCG:

Idris Mohammad, Health Reform Foundation of Nigeria (HERFON)

Interim Steering Committee contacts:
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Hub Grant:

Slum and Rural Health Initiative — Training female leaders in 10 rural communities in Northern Nigeria on how to conduct SRMNCAH-N outreach within their local communities and supporting them to establish women’s groups to build a foundation for collaboration around SRMNCAH+N advocacy. The project also includes the co-creation of advocacy materials on SRMNCAH-N using local knowledge and translated into local languages.

African Health Budget Network/Health Reform Foundation — Building the capacity of CSOs and YLOs to actively engage with Nigeria’s SRMNCAH-N multistakeholder country coordination platform and participate in the development and implementation of Nigeria’s Post-COVID-19 RMNCAEH+N Strategy (2023 – 2027). The project includes partner mapping, capacity-building training for CSOs, youth, and media, and the creation of a scorecard for tracking progress on the implementation of the RMNCAEH+N strategy.

Gem Hub Initiative — Conducting a case study on the level of alignment among different national and subnational health initiatives and health priorities in Nigeria with global health initiatives. The project will support evidence-based advocacy around the development of Nigeria’s SRMNCAH-N strategies with a focus on meeting the health needs of women, children, and adolescents.

Youth Networks:

Oyeyemi is presently working with other youth leaders to coordinate Nigerian youths to form a youth coalition that focuses on RMNCAH+N and GFF to better coordinate, engage, participate, and maximize different opportunities.

Youth rep to CSCG:
  • Pitan Oyeyemi Temilade
  • Slum and Rural Health Initiative


Provisions for CSO Engagement:
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Actual CSO or community engagement:
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More Resources

Last updated on Fri, 14 Jul 2023 13:21:15.