GFF and PAI Announce New Partnership!   More


Year joined


Project Status:

In Progress



CSO Coalition:


Government-led Process

Multi-stakeholder country platform (MCP)

The GFF is utilizing the Joint Consultative Forum (JCF) and its technical arm, the Joint Country Coordination Committee (JCCC), for planning and implementation. It also uses the Health, Population, and Nutrition (HPN) development partners’ group for GFF discussion – made up of representatives of Ethiopia’s major bilateral and multilateral donors

CSO reps on MCP

Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Associations (CCRDA) represents civil society on the JCCC. The consortium is representing the biggest number (more than 400 CSOs) operating in the country and is believed that it would be accepted by the CSOs.

Fiker Behiwot Children, Youth Development Association, and Future Hopes Integrated Development Organization.

CSO Coordination & Engagement

CSO Platform:

Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations (CORHA) and Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Associations (CCRDA) are coordinating CSOs engagement in the GFF.

Population, Health & Environment Ethiopia Consortium and Ethiopian Healthcare Federation representaing the private sector are also engaged in the GFF.


As there is no dedicated CSO coalition, there is no TOR.


The current priority actions of CSOs engagement in RMNCAH+N and GFF are focused on creating a common understanding among CSOs and the Government to raise the level of knowledge of the GFF processes and strengthen engagement in the processes, with the aim to support the achievement of the RMNCAH investment case. Civil society is eager to better engage with the national platform and planning process.

CSO Rep to CSCG:
  • Abebe Kebede, Executive Director of the Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations (CORHA)
  • Dr. Nigussu Legesse – Executive Director of CCRDA (alternate)
Interim Steering Committee contacts:
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Hub Grant:

Fiker Behiwot Children and Youth Development Association — Strengthening youth voices and agency in addressing the sexual reproductive health challenges of domestic migrant youth and students in Hawassa city. Youth will have improved access to quality SRHR information and youth-led organizations and groups will be better integrated into partnership networks and platforms as part of scaling up and building the capacity of the youth movement.
Future Hopes Integrated Development Organization — Building the capacity of students (10-16 years) in low-income areas of Addis Ababa to lead advocacy initiatives to improve SRH services for school youth and break down existing norms that hinder access to information and services.

Youth Networks:

Ethiopian Youth Federation

Youth rep to CSCG:

Ms. Tsigereda Zewdu, Ethiopian Youth Federation


GFF Trust-Funded project(s)

Ethiopia Health MDGs P4R Additional Financing

Provisions for CSO Engagement:
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Actual CSO or community engagement:

The project includes provisions for community engagement and participation, including Financial Transparency and Accountability (FTA) and the Ethiopia Social Accountability Program (ESAP)

More Resources

Last updated on Fri, 14 Jul 2023 13:44:43.