GFF and PAI Announce New Partnership!   More

Democratic Republic of Congo

Year joined

Democratic Republic of Congo

Project Status:

In Progress



CSO Coalition:


Government-led Process

Investment Case

Cadre D’Investissement Pour La Santé Reproductive, Maternelle, Du Nouveau-né, De L’enfant Et De L’adolescent En Vue De L’atteinte De La Couverture Sanitaire Universelle En République Démocratique Du Congo

Increase access to and availability of sexual and reproductive health services adapted to adolescents and young people in North Kivu, through the commitment and implementation of the Provincial Plan for the scaling up of health services adapted to adolescents and young people in North Kivu

DRC Investment Case FR

Multi-stakeholder country platform (MCP)

The Ministry of Public Health has established a working group that brings together
government and civil society for the preparation of the GFF Country Investment Case

CSO reps on MCP

Coalition des Organisations de la Société Civile pour la Santé de la Reproduction, de la Mère, du Nouveau-né, de l’ Enfant et la Nutrition and Youth Alliance for Reproductive Health (YARH – DRC)

CSO Coordination & Engagement

CSO Platform:

Civil Society Coalition

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Mobilize technical and financial partners to support the implementation of the Provincial Plan for the scaling up of health services adapted to adolescents and young people in North Kivu.

CSO Rep to CSCG:
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Interim Steering Committee contacts:
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Hub Grant:

Coalition des Organisations de la Société Civile pour la Santé de la Reproduction, de la Mère, du Nouveau-né, de l’ Enfant et la Nutrition — Coordinating advocacy campaigns to increase the budget line for the health sector to at least 15 percent of the total budget in six provinces, with a focus on reducing infant and maternal mortality. The project will include building the capacity of 120 civil society actors to conduct advocacy, resource mobilization and budget monitoring.

YOUTH ALLIANCE FOR REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (YARH-DRC) — Establishing a task force composed of youth and technical and financial partners to mobilize support for the implementation of North Kivu’s Provincial Plan for scaling up health services for adolescents and youth.

Youth Networks:



Youth rep to CSCG:
  • Lorence Kabasele, AFRIYAN
  • Barth Muyengo, AFRIYAN


Provisions for CSO Engagement:
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Actual CSO or community engagement:
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More Resources

Last updated on Fri, 28 Jul 2023 18:00:57.