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Adolescent and Youth EngagementCivil SocietyDomestic Resource MobilizationGFFResource Mobilization | May 2024

[Recap] GFF NGO Host / Connective Impact Training Part 1 : Fundraising for Lasting Impact

[May 14 & 16, 2024 – virtual] 📣 Missed the latest GFF NGO Host workshop on grant proposal making? Don’t worry! You can catch the recording here below. (French version available here). On May 14 & 16, the GFF CSO Hub hosted an insightful webinar led by Joanne Sonenshine from Connective Impact. The focus of […]

Uncategorized | May 2024

Funding Opportunity: USAID ILRG II Environmental Defenders Grant Program

Source: Tetra Tech Integrated Land & Resource Governance Project (ILRG II) The USAID ILRG II Environmental Defenders Grant Program is designed to support environmental defender organizations with the resources necessary to enhance their impact in addressing the land-related root cause of threats, and ensure the long-term sustainability of their vital work. This co-creation grant initiative […]

GFFSexual and Reproductive Health & RightsSRMNCAH-N | April 2024

Analysis of SRHR prioritization in select GFF countries

The Global Financing Facility (GFF) is a mechanism aimed at catalyzing the allocation of grant resources to scale up healthcare initiatives in low- and middle-income countries by leveraging domestic government resources, International Development Association and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development financing, aligned external financing, and resources from the private sector. The case studies presented […]

Adolescent and Youth EngagementCivil SocietyDomestic Resource MobilizationGFFResource Mobilization | March 2024

GFF NGO Host Training Session: Building a Communications Strategy Workshop

[March 19 & 21, 2024 – virtual] 📣 Missed the latest GFF NGO Host workshop on Building a Communications Strategy? Don’t worry! You can catch the recording right here. (French version available here). On 19 & 21 March 2024, the GFF NGO Host team at PAI held a dynamic communications strategy workshop led by Katie […]

Civil Society & YouthGFFResults-based FinancingSRMNCAH-N | March 2024

CSCG Post-IG17, 2023 Annual Workshop Readout & 2024 Action Agenda Webinar

On March 5, 2024, the CSCG Post-IG17 & 2024 Action Agenda Webinar provided a follow-up overview of the 17th GFF Investors’ Group meeting (IG16) held on November 28-30, 2023, in Nairobi, Kenya, and reflected on the outcomes and action items from the 2023 CSCG Civil Society and Youth Annual Workshop Outcome Document. The webinar was […]

Civil SocietyCivil Society & YouthGFFUncategorized | February 2024

Le CSCG acceuille de nouveaux·lles dirigeant·es. Elections 2023 & 2024 du CSCG

L’Unité de Coordination du CSCG est ravie d’annoncer et d’accueillir chaleureusement les membres nouvellement élus à des postes de direction clés au sein du Groupe mondial de coordination de la société civile pour le GFF (CSCG). Ces personnes ont été choisies par leurs pairs du comité directeur pour leur dévouement indéfectible et leur expertise dans […]

Civil SocietyCivil Society & YouthGFF | February 2024

CSCG welcomes new leaders – 2023 & 2024 CSCG Elections

The CSCG Coordination Unit is delighted to announce and warmly welcome the newly elected members to key leadership positions within the Global Civil Society Coordinating Group for the GFF (CSCG). These individuals have been chosen by their peers on the Steering Committee for their unwavering dedication and expertise in advancing SRMNCAH-N (Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, […]

Uncategorized | November 2023

3FHi, Uganda

In Uganda, Faith for Family Health Initiative (3FHi) has mobilized and trained a diverse group of SRMNCAH-N advocates at district and national levels. The women, children and adolescent health (WCAH) champions include more than 200 traditional, cultural and interfaith religious leaders who play powerful roles in normalizing discourse around SRMNCAH-N and work to build broad-based […]

Uncategorized | November 2023

ANJFAS, Central African Republic

Association Nationale des Jeunes Femmes Actives pour la Solidarité (ANJFAS) was founded by young women living with HIV in the Central African Republic (CAR) with the mission of fighting against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Its objective is to foster a sense of solidarity and mutual support […]

Uncategorized | November 2023

FHIDO, Ethiopia

In the Arada district of Addis Ababa, Future Hopes Integrated Development Organization (FHIDO) supported youth leaders to improve sexual and reproductive health (SRH) knowledge, skills and health care-seeking among their peers. These student leaders also strengthened referral linkages to nearby clinics and identified and addressed some of the real-world barriers to health and well-being faced […]

Uncategorized | October 2023

CSCG Members mobilized around the GFF Deliver the Future Campaign.

The Civil Society and Youth Constituency of the GFF has issued a powerful call to action in their Deliver the Future campaign They urge an additional investment of $800 million to advance the health and nutrition outcomes of women, children and adolescents. These at-risk groups face multiple crises and disruptions, compounded by weak health systems. […]

Uncategorized | October 2023

CSCG and GYP Champions at the World Bank Group/IMF 2023 Annual Meetings 2023 Civil Society Policy Forum.

On October 13, 2023, in the framework of the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) of the World Bank Group-IMF 2023 Annual Meetings in Marrakech, Morocco, the GYP and the CSCG collaborated on an important CSPF panel session. This session, titled “Harnessing the Power of Youth and Adolescents: Advancing Health and Nutrition Through Inclusive Global Partnerships,” […]

Uncategorized | October 2023

Launch: Principles of Meaningful Involvement of Communities & Civil Society in Global Health Governance

On October 12, 2023, the Global Civil Society Coordinating Group for the GFF (CSCG), represented by Civil Society IG Representatives Myria Koutsoumpa and Jackie Katana, officially launched and adopted a set of governance principles for civil society engagement in Global Health Governance. These principles, accessible at, are open for endorsement by individual organizations and […]

Uncategorized | October 2023

CSCG 2023 Annual Workshop

26-27 November 2023, Nairobi, Kenya & Online Organized by the Global Civil Society Coordinating Group for the Global Financing Facility (CSCG), the CSCG 2023 Annual Workshop will be held on November 26-27 in Nairobi, Kenya and online. The meeting is centered on the GFF’s Resource Mobilization theme, #DeliverTheFuture, and the GFF will bring together members […]

Civil Society & YouthGFFResource MobilizationSRMNCAH-N | October 2023

GFF NGO Host – GFF Investment Case Workshop for grant partners – Session 1

  On September 27 and 28, 2023, The PAI’s GFF NGO Host project team conducted the second series of workshops on CSO Guide to the GFF Investment Case (GFF IC). These workshop sessions were attended by 64 participants from 28 partner organizations across 15 countries: Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, […]

Civil SocietyCivil Society & YouthGFF | October 2023

Atelier Annuel 2023 du CSCG – Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt

  📢 Appel à Manifestation d’Intérêt : Rejoignez l’Atelier Annuel 2023 de la Société Civile et de la Jeunesse du GFF ! 🌍👥 📆 Date : 27-28 novembre 2023 📍 Lieu : Nairobi, Kenya et en ligne (Zoom) 🌐 Thème : #DessinonsLAvenir Souhaitez-vous faire partie d’une réunion dynamique d’individus et d’organisations partageant la même vision, […]

Civil SocietyCivil Society & YouthGFF | October 2023

CSCG Updates – Fall 2023

The CSCG Coordination Unit encourages those who are passionate about making a difference to apply for leadership positions within the organization. Your dedication will be instrumental in driving positive change. Together, we can achieve our shared goals and aspirations. Thank you for being an essential part of the CSCG. As we strive to enhance our […]

Civil SocietyCivil Society & YouthGFF | October 2023

Actualités du CSCG – Automne 2023

L’unité de coordination du CSCG encourage ceux qui sont passionné·es par le fait de faire une différence à postuler à des postes de direction au sein de l’organisation. Votre dévouement contribuera à susciter un changement positif. Ensemble, nous pouvons atteindre nos objectifs et aspirations communs. Merci d’être un élément essentiel du CSCG. Alors que nous […]

Uncategorized | September 2023

CSCG #DeliverTheFuture Call to Action

Deliver the future for better health and nutrition outcomes amid overlapping crises! The Global Financing Facility’s Civil Society and Youth Constituency Calls for an Extra USD 800 Million Investment to Deliver the Future for Women, Children, and Adolescents’ Health and Nutrition. The world continues to face multiple overlapping challenges that threaten progress in health and […]

Civil Society & YouthGFFResource MobilizationSRMNCAH-N | September 2023

CSCG Post-IG16 Webinar

  On August 29, 2023, the CSCG Post-IG16 Webinar was held to provide a follow-up overview of the 16th GFF Investors’ Group meeting (IG16) held on July 21, 2023, and to reflect on Civil Society and Youth engagement in the framework of the GFF. The webinar was hosted by Civil Society and Youth IG Representatives. The […]

Uncategorized | September 2023

Join the CSCG and Amplify Our Collective Impact and Voices!

  📢 Invitation to Civil Society and Youth Partners: Join our Global Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) for the Global Financing Facility and Amplify Our Collective Impact and Voices! 1/ Join the launch webinar of our CSCG Taskforce for the GFF Deliver The Future Resource Mobilization Campaign on Thursday 7 September 2023 at 8 AM EDT […]

Uncategorized | August 2023

 L’ONG Hôte du GFF [News PAI] 

Le troisième cycle de subventions conclue l’attribution de 2,7 millions de dollars à des organisations de la société civile et dirigées par des jeunes dans 28 pays  L’ONG hôte du Mécanisme de financement mondial (GFF) à PAI, en collaboration avec le Groupe de coordination de la société civile (CSCG), a annoncé la troisième série de […]

Uncategorized | August 2023

$2.7 Million Awarded to Civil Society and Youth-Led Organizations Across 28 Global Financing Facility Partner Countries

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE [Washington, DC, August 14, 2023] — Today, in collaboration with the Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) Steering Committee, PAI announced the third and final round of 2023-2024 grants awarded to civil society organizations (CSOs) and youth-led organizations (YLOs) through the Global Financing Facility (GFF) NGO Host program hosted at PAI. PAI […]

Civil SocietyCivil Society & YouthGFF | August 2023

CSCG Updates – August 2023

CSCG Elections (Summer 2023) We are pleased to announce that the CSCG is recruiting for several open positions. Calls for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are linked below: Call for Expressions of Interest – CSCG Steering Committee (CSCG-SC) [Available in French here] 3 civil society representatives 2 youth representatives Call for Expressions of Interest – CSCG […]

Civil SocietyCivil Society & YouthGFF | August 2023

Actualités du CSCG – Août 2023

Élections du CSCG (été 2023) L’Unité de Coordination du CSCG est ravie d’annoncer que le Groupe Mondial de Coordination de la Sociéte Civile pour le GFF (CSCG) recrute pour plusieurs postes vacants. Les appels à candidatures (AC) sont disponibles via les liens ci-dessous : Appel à candidatures – Comité Directeur du CCSG (CSCG-SC) 3 représentant·e·s de […]

Civil Society & YouthGFFResource MobilizationSRMNCAH-N | August 2023

CSCG Pre-IG16 Webinar

  On July 17, 2023, the CSCG Pre-IG16 Webinar was held to provide an overview of the upcoming 16th GFF Investors’ Group meeting (IG16) scheduled for July 21, 2023, and to reflect on Civil Society and Youth engagement in the framework of the ongoing GFF Deliver the Future resource mobilization campaign. The webinar was hosted […]

Adolescent and Youth EngagementHealth Financing | July 2023

ASAPSU Receives GFF Grant to Increase the Impact of Youth

Background The Global Financing Facility (GFF) was launched in 2015 with the goal of improving sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (SRMNCAH-N) in 36 low- and lower-middle-income countries. To achieve this goal, the GFF supports the development and implementation of national health plans by providing technical assistance and catalytic financing to […]

Uncategorized | July 2023

Community Working Group on Health: Bringing Civil Society into Health Financing

  Background In 2001, African Union heads of state committed to allocating 15% of their annual budgets to health sector financing through the Abuja Declaration. However, in 2022, Zimbabwe’s health budget was only 10.6% of total spending. Inadequate public financing for health means Zimbabweans are largely forced to pay out-of-pocket — if and when they […]

Uncategorized | July 2023


  GFF Pre-Investors Group 16th Meeting CSCG Webinar Monday, July 17th, 2023 9am-10:30am EDT | 1pm-2:30pm UTC | 3pm-4:30pm CET | 4pm-5:30pm EAT. Zoom registration link: click here Please join our upcoming Pre-IG16 Webinar on July 17th! Dear Civil Society and Youth partners, The Global Civil Society Coordinating Group for the Global Financing Facility (CSCG) […]

Civil Society | June 2023

New Grant Funding to Accelerate Health and Nutrition Gains in Five Additional Global Financing Facility Partner Countries

  [Washington, DC, June 6, 2023] — Today, in collaboration with the Global Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) Steering Committee, the GFF NGO Host at PAI announced the second round of grant recipients designed to support civil society organizations (CSOs) and youth-led organizations (YLOs) in implementing the Global Financing Facility’s (GFF) Civil Society and Youth […]

Uncategorized | May 2023

Status of GFF NGO Host Grants

As of May 4, the GFF NGO Host has awarded $1.35 million in grants to support 23 civil society organizations (CSOs) and youth-led organizations (YLOs) in 13 countries. This includes Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malawi, Mauritania, Mozambique, Pakistan, Senegal, Uganda and Zambia. PAI, a leading civil society advocacy organization dedicated to advancing universal access to sexual and […]

Civil Society | May 2023

CSCG “101” Webinar on the Roles, Functions and Impact of Civil Society and Youth Engagement for the GFF. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023 – (Zoom) CSCG Webinar on Roles, Functions and Impact of Civil Society and Youth Engagement for the Global Financing Facility [Click here to watch the recording of the event on Youtube]. Introduction On April 25, 2023, the Global Civil Society Coordinating Group (CSCG) for the Global Financing Facility (GFF) held an […]

Uncategorized | May 2023

CSCG leaders at the 2023 World Bank/IMF Spring meetings

  “Nothing about us, without us”  On 11-14 April 2023, CSCG members had a week-full of engagement at the World Bank/IMP Spring Meetings Civil Society Policy Forum: On April 11, the CSPF kickstarted with a roundtable of the World Bank Executive Directors with Civil Society. Christina Chilimba, Co-Chair, RMNCAH-N Youth Coalition, Malawi, CSCG Steering Committee Member […]

Uncategorized | April 2023

Join our “CSCG 101” webinar on Tuesday April 25, 2023

Save the date and register for our “CSCG 101” webinar on Tuesday April 25, 2023 The Global Civil Society Coordinating Group for the Global Financing Facility (CSCG), is excited to invite you to our upcoming “CSCG 101” webinar on on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 8:30 AM EDT (12:30 PM UTC) on the topic of […]

Uncategorized | April 2023

Advancing Health for All – April 2023

Welcome to the new GFF-CSO Newsletter Welcome to the first edition of the Advancing Health for All newsletter. Here you will find the voices, perspectives, achievements and impacts of civil society and youth-led organizations as they further sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition (SRMNCAH+N) in support of Global Financing Facility (GFF) […]

Uncategorized | April 2023

Driving Change in Senegal Through Youth-Led Accountability

Senegal has one of the highest fertility rates in the world, with an average of 4.5 births per woman, making it one of the fastest-growing countries.[1] As it grows, so does the demand for quality sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition (SRMNCAH+N) services. Currently, the unmet need for family planning among […]

Uncategorized | April 2023

Leveraging Community-Led Monitoring to Improve Youth SRH Services in Uganda

Uganda has one of the fastest-growing youth populations in the world, with nearly 78% of its population under 30 years of age. As the country continues to grow, substantial gaps in meeting the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of adolescents and youth, which has led to high rates of unmet need for contraception, unintended […]

Civil Society | April 2023

CSO-GFF Coalition Launches in Chad for SRMNCAH+N Progress

Chad has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world, with 856 deaths for every 100,000 live births.[1] One in ten children die before reaching their fifth birthday, and 35 percent suffer from stunted growth.[2] While these alarming statistics demonstrate significant improvement compared to prior decades, there remains a dire need for long-term […]

Uncategorized | March 2023

Register for Webinar #3 Introducing PATH’s Maternal, Newborn, Child Health & Nutrition Asset Tracker

This webinar series, organized by the Global Civil Society Coordinating Group for the GFF (CSCG), PATH, GHV, PAI, Countdown 2030, UNICEF, WHO, PMNCH, and the Global Financing Facility (GFF), will gather civil society and youth stakeholders from all regions engaging in GFF processes at global and country level, to learn more about PATH’s MNCH-N Asset […]

Uncategorized | March 2023


WASHINGTON, DC – MARCH 1st, 2023  Following the election of new members in key leadership roles, the Steering Committee of the CSCG and the NGO Host extend their congratulations and a warm welcome to the newly elected members:  Jackie Katana, Civil Society Alternate IG Representative   Oyeyemi Pitan, Civil Society Alternate IG Representative Tasnia Ahmed, CSO […]

Civil Society | February 2023

PAI Awards Nearly $1 Million to Civil Society and Youth-Led Organizations to Advance the Health of Women, Children and Adolescents

[Washington, DC, February 27, 2023] – Today,  PAI announced the recipients of the first round of grants to civil society organizations (CSOs) and youth-led organizations (YLOs) that will contribute to the implementation of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) Civil Society and Youth Engagement Framework. The funding will support CSO and YLO efforts to advance the […]

Civil SocietyMaternal and Child HealthUncategorized | February 2023


Women Deliver is officially launching its WD2023 Global Dialogue: an interactive space that will bring together advocates from around the world during in-person, virtual, and hybrid events to discuss and take action on gender equality issues that matter most to them in the lead up to the Women Deliver 2023 Conference in Kigali, Rwanda from […]

Family Planning & Contraception | February 2023

OUAGADOUGOU PARTNERSHIP – Call for Research-Action proposals

This call for proposals for Action Research Grants Program for RH/FP Strategy and Policy Change in the Francophone West Africa region is for local and regional research institutes located in the Ouagadougou Partnership countries. Learn more about this opportunity here. 

Adolescent and Youth EngagementCivil Society | February 2023


The theme of the 2023 WBG Youth Summit Pitch Competition is “The Importance of Youth-Led Solutions to Drive Global Impact”. In line with the 2023 Summit’s theme, submissions are welcome from all individuals and/or teams (age 18-35) that address at least one of the three pillars of development goals: (a) Fragility, conflict, and violence affected […]

Civil Society | February 2023


The CSPF is a key event during the World Bank Group-International Monetary Fund Spring and Annual Meetings. This weeklong forum provides an open space for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)* to dialogue and exchange views with World Bank Group and IMF staff, their peers, government delegations, and other stakeholders on a wide range of shared development […]

Uncategorized | February 2023

Grievance Mechanism for CSO partners

PAI and the Global Financing Facility are committed to the ethical and responsible implementation of all projects and related funds. PAI has  established a grievance mechanism that will facilitate any CSOs with concerns to file a complaint and be assured it will be addressed promptly, effectively, and transparently — at no cost and without retribution.

Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights | April 2020

GFF leaders warn of emerging secondary global health crisis from disruptions in primary health care due to COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic escalates in low- and lower-middle income countries, global health and development leaders warned today of the growing risk of widespread disruptions in access to reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition services, and urged immediate steps to prevent a secondary global health crisis. A rapid survey of the 36 […]

Investment | April 2020

Netherlands Announces Additional Support for the GFF to Continue Essential Health Services in COVID-19 Response

WASHINGTON, DC – The Government of the Netherlands announced it is contributing 10 million euros (US$11.24 million) to the Global Financing Facility (GFF) to help low- and lower-middle-income countries ensure continuation of essential health and nutrition services for women, children and adolescents as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The new contribution will enable the GFF […]

Maternal and Child Health | April 2020

The GFF’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents (GFF) is committed to doing its part to support the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Guided by its core mission to ensure sustainable health financing and improve reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health and nutrition outcomes, the GFF is currently supporting 36 countries scale up access to […]

Investment | April 2020

Riding on the Momentum: GFF Strategy Refresh

2020 is a landmark year for the Global Financing Facility (GFF) as it celebrates its fifth year in the global health landscape.  Strong partner support, and a milestone replenishment of US$1 billion in 2018 have enabled the GFF to make significant progress over the past five years.

Health Financing | December 2019

Global Action Plan Signatory Agencies back Ghana’s Health Financing Reforms

Ghana, one of nine of the new GFF countries added in 2019, recently held a Health Financing Forum from November 25-27th. The GFF was present at this forum, which focused on Sustainable Health Financing for Universal Health Coverage, where key priorities for the revision of the National Health Financing Strategy and Implementation Plan were discussed.

Civil Society | October 2019

Reflections on Civil Society Engagement in the GFF – progress but more needs to be done

As we participate in the workshop for the 10 new GFF countries (Ghana, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Somalia, Tadjikistan, Chad, Pakistan, Zambia and Zimbabwe) we contemplate on the trajectory of Civil Society engagement since the start of the GFF. Progress has been made. Civil Society participation in country delegations was secured for 80% of the countries, […]

UHC | September 2019

Opinion: Unlocking UHC via country leadership, financing, and primary health care

The Global Financing Facility explains why primary health care is the arrowhead for transforming health systems and laying a strong foundation for countries to achieve UHC — in an equitable and progressive way.

Maternal and Child Health | August 2019

Small Grants to Support Civil Society Advocacy and Accountability Announced

Awards totaling nearly $600,000 to improve women’s, children’s, and adolescents’ health made to civil society coalitions in nine countries. Management Sciences for Health (MSH), the Global Financing Facility (GFF), and the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (PMNCH) are pleased to announce the recipients of the first round of funding from the Small Grants […]

Health Financing | July 2019

Global Financing Facility Welcomes New Director

WASHINGTON D.C. – The Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents (GFF) welcomed Dr. Muhammad Pate as the GFF’s new director to lead and develop the strategic direction of the GFF as it expands to a total of 50 countries by 2023.

Health Financing | July 2019

Canada Announces CAD$150 Million in New Funding for the Global Financing Facility

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, the Government of Canada announced an additional CAD$150 million in new funding for the Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents (GFF). This funding is a new multi-year commitment to the GFF Trust Fund for the period 2020 to 2022, in addition to CAD$50 million in funds announced at the […]

Adolescent Health | May 2019

Nine Countries Join Global Financing Facility; Now Reaching 36 Countries with Greatest Health and Nutrition Needs of Women, Children and Adolescents

WASHINGTON D.C. – Following the GFF replenishment event in November 2018 that raised more than US$1 billion for the Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents (GFF), the GFF announced today that 9 countries—Chad, Ghana, Mauritania, Niger, Pakistan, Somalia, Tajikistan, Zambia and Zimbabwe—will join the GFF, bringing the total number of GFF-supported countriesto 36.

Civil Society | May 2019

Merck for Mothers Announces Renewed Commitment to the Global Financing Facility to Scale up Innovations to Deliver Better Health and Nutrition for Women, Children and Adolescents

WASHINGTON D.C. – Today, Merck for Mothers—the first private sector financial contributor to the Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents (GFF)—announced that it was providing US$5 million in new funding to the GFF Trust Fund, bringing the total contribution of Merck for Mothers to US$15 million. This funding will accelerate the uptake of […]

Adolescent HealthHealth Financing | April 2019

A message from GFF Director Mariam Claeson

As we move into the expansion phase, incorporating learning from countries in the lead, I want to thank you all for our great partnership for women, children and adolescent health and nutrition and for what we have accomplished together in the last two years. During this period, the GFF has evolved from proof of concept […]

Health Financing | November 2018

Donors put up $1B for Global Financing Facility, with notable absences

Donors have agreed to put an additional $1 billion into the Global Financing Facility to improve health and nutrition for women, children, and adolescent girls in low-income countries.
