Following the election of new members in key leadership roles, the Steering Committee of the CSCG and the NGO Host extend their congratulations and a warm welcome to the newly elected members:
- Jackie Katana, Civil Society Alternate IG Representative
- Oyeyemi Pitan, Civil Society Alternate IG Representative
- Tasnia Ahmed, CSO Representative, South Asia
- Leonora Mbithi, Co-Chair, Health Financing Working Group
- Shafia Rashid, Co-Chair, Capacity Building and Country Engagement Working Group
- Christina Chilimba, Co-Chair, Capacity Building and Country Engagement Working Group
The NGO Host would also like to express its sincere gratitude to all the candidates who participated in the election and showed a commitment towards serving the civil society and youth constituency.
Please visit the CSCG webpage to learn more about the Civil Society Coordinating Group for the GFF (CSCG), including its Steering Committee Members and Member Organizations.