Category: Health Financing, Investment
Resource Author : Health Promotion Tanzania
Tanzania is one of the Global Financing Facility (GFF) front runner countries which is funded by World Bank IDA, GFF trust fund, USAID, Power on Nutrition, Development Partner and the
Government of Tanzania. The fifth year of implementation was expected to end June 30th, 2020, but has been extended to June 30th, 2021. This analytical paper covers four years of
implementation up to December 2019. Tanzania has recorded remarkable program achievements in primary healthcare which is manifested in increase of institutional deliveries, dispensaries with skilled healthcare providers, provision of vitamin A supplements and availability of 10 tracer medicines.
Even with the commendable achievements, it is equally important to note the implementation has realized some setbacks including (i) limited consultation of key partners and player including CSOs, DPs and some Government machinery, (ii) slow disbursements of trust funds resources (GFF and USAID) and (iii) failure of the Government to conduct 3-star assessment which impact on ability of program to measure quality of services provided.